Better debugging for styled components

Better debugging for styled components


1 min read

If you are using styled components, then you may also consider using babel-plugin-styled-components.

This is a plugin for babel, which provides a few useful configurations, such as:

  • ssr: for server side rendering support

  • displayName: show component name for in class names

  • transpileTemplateLiterals: transpile tagged template literals

The usage is pretty simple, we just add it into babel config file:

  "plugins": ["babel-plugin-styled-components"]

But what if we are using vite instead of webpack? How we config it then? The answer is that it depends.

In Vite, we have 2 options for react: @vitejs/plugin-react or @vitejs/plugin-react-swc.

@vitejs/plugin-react is using esbuild and babel under the hood, so we can use babel-plugin-styled-components directly as well:

// vite.config.js

export default defineConfig({
  plugins: [
      babel: {
        plugins: [
              displayName: true,
              fileName: false

But @vitejs/plugin-react-swc replaces babel with swc, so we cannot use babel-plugin-styled-components any more. Luckily, swc provides its own plugin for styled components. So in this case, we can set config as:

react({ plugins: [["@swc/plugin-styled-components", {}]] });

Last thing needs to be noted is that this swc plugin seems not complete yet. Some options may not working, the doc seems vague. I tried locally, at least displayName is working correctly.