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Let's solve the leetcode problem majority element. The problem is to find the majority element which is the element that appears more than n/2...
Let's solve the leetcode problem Find the Shortest Superstring. This is actually the same as the classic Travelling salesman problem. So let's see the...
Let's solve the leetcode problem Largest Rectangle in Histogram. This is a pretty hard problem, which has multiple solutions. The most straightforward...
This is a leetcode problem Design Skiplist. In this article, let's see what it is, how it works and implement it in code. Consider this problem: given...
Let's see the leetcode problem Remove Duplicates from Sorted Array. There are 2 version of this problem. Let see them one by one. The first one is...
Let see how to solve the leetcode problem Maximum Population Year. The problem is given a list of birth year and death year, calculate the year with...