A lot of methods in JavaScript can use regular expressions. They can be classified as two groups: string methods and regex methods.
string methods:
- str.match
- str.matchAll
- str.split
- str.replace
- str.replaceAll
regex method:
- regexp.exec
- regexp.test
In this article, Let learn these methods one by one.
Used to get match values.
// return first match with format [ matched result, matched index, input string, matched groups ]
> "a b a c".match(/a/)
[ 'a', index: 0, input: 'a b a c', groups: undefined ]
// return all matches
> "a b a c".match(/a/g)
[ 'a', 'a' ]
// no match, return null
> "a b a c".match(/d/g)
The improved version of str.match.
// must be called with global flag
> "a b a c".matchAll(/a/g)
Object [RegExp String Iterator] {}
// and return an Iterator
> const result = "a b a c".matchAll(/a/g);
> result
Object [RegExp String Iterator] {}
// iterator contents are standard matched result
> Array.from(result)
[ 'a', index: 0, input: 'a b a c', groups: undefined ],
[ 'a', index: 4, input: 'a b a c', groups: undefined ]
// no match returns iterator with empty array
> Array.from("a b a c".matchAll(/d/g))
Used to split string into array.
// split string into array
> "1-2,3".split(/[-,]/)
[ '1', '2', '3' ]
// second parameter used to control split times
> "1-2,3".split(/[-,]/, 1)
[ '1' ]
> "1-2,3".split(/[-,]/, 2)
[ '1', '2' ]
Used to get matched position.
// return position of first match
> "a b c".search(/[bc]/)
// return -1 when not found
> "a b c".search(/[d]/)
Used to replace strings.
This method is very useful and pretty complicated, check my previous article The replace function in JavaScript.
Main differnce with replace method is that replaceAll will replace all matches.
// replace only replace first match
> "a b a".replace("a", "d")
'd b a'
// replace all replace all matches
> "a b a".replaceAll("a", "d")
'd b d'
// use replace with global flag to achieve the same effect
> "a b a".replace(/a/g, "d")
'd b d'
return matches for regular expression.
> /[ac]/.exec("a b c")
[ 'a', index: 0, input: 'a b c', groups: undefined ]
Use global flag to get all matches.
// 1. first create regex object
> const regex = /[ac]/g;
// then exec multiple times, temporary states lastIndex will be stored in the regex object
> regex.exec("a b c d a")
[ 'a', index: 0, input: 'a b c d a', groups: undefined ]
> regex.exec("a b c d a")
[ 'c', index: 4, input: 'a b c d a', groups: undefined ]
> regex.exec("a b c d a")
[ 'a', index: 8, input: 'a b c d a', groups: undefined ]
> regex.exec("a b c d a")
Check if there is a match return boolean values.
> /\d/.test("a")
> /\d/.test("a 1")
> /^\d/.test("a 1")